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{% assign parent_page_name = page.name %}
{% assign parent_page_url = page.url %}
{% capture sub_page_list %}
{% for sub_page in pages.all %}
{% unless sub_page.name == parent_page_name %}
{% capture parent_page_string %}{{ parent_page_name }} - {% endcapture %}
{% capture parent_page_url_string %}{{ parent_page_url }}-{% endcapture %}
{% if sub_page.name contains parent_page_name %}
{% assign has_sub_pages = 'true' %}
{% capture new_sub_page_name %}{{ sub_page.name | replace_first: parent_page_string, "" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if sub_page.url contains parent_page_url_string %}{% unless sub_page.name contains "(#)" %}<li>{{ sub_page | link_to: new_sub_page_name | remove: "(^)" | remove: "(#)" }}</li>{% endunless %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign: current_url = page.full_url %}
{% unless page.name contains ' - ' %}
{% if current_url contains page.url %}
<li data-link="{{ page.permalink }}" class="{% if has_sub_pages == 'true' %}dropdown{% endif %}">
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<li data-link="{{ page.permalink }}" class="{% if has_sub_pages == 'true' %}dropdown{% endif %}">
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{% endunless %}
{% assign has_sub_pages = 'false' %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture Category_Links %}
{% for category in categories.all %}
{% unless category.name contains '(#)' %}
{% assign parent_cat_name = category.name %}
{% assign parent_cat_url = category.url %}
{% capture sub_cat_list %}
{% for cat2 in categories.active %}
{% unless cat2.name == parent_cat_name %}
{% capture parent_cat_string %}{{parent_cat_name}} - {% endcapture %}
{% capture parent_cat_url_string %}{{ parent_cat_url }}-{% endcapture %}
{% if cat2.name contains parent_cat_name %}
{% assign has_sub_cats = 'true' %}
{% capture new_sub_cat_name %}{{ cat2.name | replace_first: parent_cat_string, "" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if cat2.url contains parent_cat_url_string %}{% unless cat2.name contains '(#)' %}<li data-link="{{ category.permalink }}">{{ cat2 | link_to: new_sub_cat_name }}{% endunless %}</li>{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% unless category.name contains ' - ' %}
<li data-link="{{ category.permalink }}" class="dropdown"><a class="{% if has_sub_cats == 'true' %}dropdown-toggle{% endif %}" data-toggle="{% if has_sub_cats == 'true' %}dropdown{% endif %}" href="{{ category.url }}"><span>{{ category.name | remove: "($)" | remove: "(+)" }}</span></a>{% if has_sub_cats == 'true' %}<ul class="dropdown-menu">{{ sub_cat_list }}</ul>{% endif %}</li>
{% endunless %}
{% assign has_sub_cats = 'false' %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture Alternate_Category_Links %}
{% for category in categories.all %}
{% unless category.name contains '(#)' %}
{% assign parent_cat_name = category.name %}
{% assign parent_cat_url = category.url %}
{% capture sub_cat_list %}
{% for cat2 in categories.active %}
{% unless cat2.name == parent_cat_name %}
{% capture parent_cat_string %}{{parent_cat_name}} - {% endcapture %}
{% capture parent_cat_url_string %}{{ parent_cat_url }}-{% endcapture %}
{% if cat2.name contains parent_cat_name %}
{% assign has_sub_cats = 'true' %}
{% capture new_sub_cat_name %}{{ cat2.name | replace_first: parent_cat_string, "" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if cat2.url contains parent_cat_url_string %}{% unless cat2.name contains '(#)' %}<li data-link="{{ category.permalink }}">{{ cat2 | link_to: new_sub_cat_name }}</li>{% endunless %}{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% assign: current_url = page.full_url %}
{% unless category.name contains ' - ' %}
{% if current_url contains category.url %}
<li data-link="{{ category.permalink }}" class="dropdown">
{% else %}
<li data-link="{{ category.permalink }}" class="dropdown">{% endif %}<a class="{% if has_sub_cats == 'true' %}dropdown-toggle{% endif %}" data-toggle="{% if has_sub_cats == 'true' %}dropdown{% endif %}" href="{{ category.url }}"><span>{{ category.name | remove: "($)" | remove: "(+)" }}</span></a>{% if has_sub_cats == 'true' %}<ul class="dropdown-menu">{{ sub_cat_list }}</ul>{% endif %}</li>
{% endunless %}
{% assign has_sub_cats = 'false' %}
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture Artists_Links %}
{% if artists.active.size > 0 %}
<li class="dropdown"><a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Brands</a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
{% for artist in artists.active %}
<li><a href="{{ artist.url }}">{{ artist.name }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}
{% if Categories_in_Nav_Display contains 'opdown' %}<li class="dropdown"><a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="/products">Shop</a>{% endif %}
{% unless Categories_in_Nav_Display contains 'opdown' %}<li class="dropdown"><a href="/products">All Products</a>{% endunless %}
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{% for page in pages.all %}{% if page.name contains '(*)' %}<li data-link="{{ page.permalink }}"><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.name | remove: '(*)' }}</a></li>{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{{ Alternate_Category_Links }}
{% endif %}
{% unless Categories_in_Nav_Display contains 'opdown'%}{{ Category_Links }}{% endunless %}
{{ Artists_Links }}
{{ Auto_Page_Links }}
{% unless pages.contact.name contains '(&)' %}<li><a href="/contact">{{ pages.contact.name }}</a></li>{% endunless %}
{% if theme.show_search == true %}
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{% endif %}
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<section class="module">
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<div class="row"><h2 class="module-title font-alt m-b-30">{{ page.name | remove: "(#)" | remove: "(&)" | remove: "(!)" | remove: "(!!)" | remove: "(!!!)" | remove: "(*)" | remove: "(;)" | remove: "(^)" }}</h2></div>
{{ page_content | paragraphs }}
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{{ page_content }}
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